by | Dec 30, 2018 | Mark and Liam

Thank you to all the people that have supported WHYSUP in 2018.

When we first thought of the idea it was just us ‘going in some schools speaking to kids about addiction’.

From that idea we have delivered our service to 1000’s of young people in schools, colleges, universities, football clubs and also delivered awareness sessions to businesses.

We have also had people contacting us on a daily basis asking for help and guidance because they are struggling with addiction. This work isn’t a part of Whysup but us trying to help and guide anyone who might be struggling.

We have built a business with just the two of us and and this is just the start.

We have lots of exciting work coming up that we can’t wait to start in 2019.

We love the work we do and are passionate to make a difference! 👊🏻

Thank you,

Mark & Liam x

#WHYSUP #MarkAndLiam

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