by | Feb 8, 2019 | Mark and Liam

My routine has been fundamental to my recovery but has taken time to iron out the creases.

My routine today might not be the same as six months ago orthe same in six months’ time but it won’t change overnight. It progresses and Ireview what is adding value to my recovery regularly.

In the early days while I was away from home, every minute of every day was planned, something productive, relaxing and a meeting each day. 

Mark had big input and awareness of where I was and when. He actually made me do a week planner every Sunday night…

Structure was key I didn’t want to end up with a window of time where my thoughts could be left to wander.

And every day started and ended the same, a set morning and bedtime routine which included gratitude lists, reading a reflection book, prayer and meditation. 

I would not deviate from this, I only had myself to consider and this structure stopped my mind wandering.

As time passed and I returned home I had to learn to be flexible. I try to be rigid with my morning and night time routine, this is my choice but I feel it is important to start and finish the day off properly. In order to do this I get up early, but this is ok, I actually like some peace before my 3 kids wake up and it is a constant reminder of how life has changed from active addiction when I couldn’t get up.

My night time routine is very simple takes two minutes and allows me to review the good in my day just before I put my head on the pillow– it’s a great way to end the day.

I have a wife and 3 kids so being flexible is a must but I maintain my recovery. 3/4 meetings a week at present, contact with other addicts and my sponsor, my morning and night time routine and fulfilling my role at home so they feel the benefit also.

It’s not always perfect, a 3, 7 and 9 year old can throw some unpredictability to any day but that’s ok, I have enough in the recovery bank to help me through.

My recovery is always at the forefront of my mind; family, home and kids can cause a slight disruption but that’s normal and I work around it!

I know Mark says he isn’t as structured as me, but he isn’t so far behind 6 years on in recovery he still plans his week ahead, maintains good routine with his boys and work life.

Our routine may differ but the end goal is the same – to stay in recovery!


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